What the future holds for Associations and Charities in 2016
CHASE is a great event for charities and Association professionals to come along and explore new possibilities and tackle tomorrow’s challenges at this leading not for profit event in London.
It is a two day event taking place on the 16th and 17th February 2016 at the Business Design Centre, London N1 0QH. There’s plenty going on to attend from more than 50 free seminars designed to inspire, advise, challenge and motivate professionals. On top of this it is free to go.
Edward will be speaking on the 17th FebruarUnlinky at 15.30. His topic is:
Where do you start with personalisation?
“If you are thinking about personalisation but you are unsure where to start, this interactive talk will help you get your head around the basics. It’s all about delivering the right content to the right people at the right time. Find out what you can do to improve member engagement through personalisation.”
According to Business Development Director, Michelle Moran. “The not for profit sector is under more public scrutiny than ever before, and is always under pressure to achieve more with less” she said today. “But there is also huge potential out there, with ever more sophisticated solutions and strategies emerging to help charities achieve the best for their beneficiaries, and association to do the same for their members. CHASE 2016 has been structured to celebrate those opportunities, and take a fresh, thought provoking look at how we as a sector can maximise them.”
If you fancy going along let us know and Edward will catch up with you over coffee on the 17th February. There is also a free drinks reception on the 16th February at 16.30 for delegates and exhibitors so you might consider going for the two days.