Learning from each other is good practice
This top level executive programme will bring together the leaders of higher education institutions from around the world to review best practice in academic management, leadership and strategy, development and innovation, internationalisation of higher education and other topics by reference to UK and international examples.
OFEC has been building web sites since 1999 and has been active in the academic arena. They have a long standing relationship with the National Association of School Business Management, an organisation whose purpose it is to advance effective leadership and management that benefits the whole learning community, and which also understands some of the challenges educational institutions face.
The company created the web site for St Helen and St Katherine girls’ school, which The Telegraph ranked as 13th in the GCSE Private School league table in 2013. Among its online capabilities, the school can now organise and manage the booking of all events and record attendance electronically. This saves the school time and money, while improving the the quality of the service it provides.
Recently, OFEC completed the development of MyOwnProspectus, an online tool – eProspectus – that enables interested students to tailor the information they want about a particular school or university to their own specific needs. This improves potential student conversion rates and engagement, and enhances the “brand” standing of those institutions.
This new product is designed to set the industry standard in personalising the educational experience of all students.