Paxton Net2 Door Access Control – Integration with DigiGreet Connect

DigiGreet Connect V5-300 (1)

Got Fobs? Link seamlessly to your Paxton door access control system

You can Integrate the Paxton door access system with our visitor management system DigiGreet.

DigiGreet Connect allows staff to come and go as normal, fobbing their Paxton readers when they go through doors throughout the day.

chatting DGC and Paxton

DigiGreet Connect checks with Paxton that they are signed in, so tailgating (when you follow someone in without fobbing) issues are minimised.

When staff leave the site, whether that’s for a meeting, lunch or simply because they’ve finished for the day, we will sign them out automatically, giving you all of the benefits of DigiGreet with all the benefits of the Paxton Net2 access control system, without any extra work or hassle.

Did someone say Contractors and Visitors?

hard hat

If you give your Paxton Net2 fobs to visitors and contractors to allow them to go around your building, that’s no problem. They just register on DigiGreet, answering your security questions, viewing the induction (if you have one), completing your permit to work or RAMS permits, with their documents confirmed in advance not to mention the many other fabulous features of DigiGreet. Then, when you give them the fob, they are seamlessly linked to the fob, added to Paxton and before you can say “Nice van mate” they’re off, opening doors and fitting shiny new things.

When they need their plasmic doodah to fix that warp widget which is in their van or the bacon, sausage and egg bloomer from the van outside, they come and go fobbing the Paxton door readers with DigiGreet keeping a subtle eye out.

At the end of the day, when they’ve fixed, swept up and said what a delight it was working for you, we de-allocate their fob and sign them out so just in case they forget to hand the fob in, it won’t work any more so there’s no security risk.